New Marie Curie Initial Training Network
GATEWAYS *Multi-level assessment of ocean-climate dynamics: a gateway to
interdisciplinary training and analysis
GATEWAYS invites applications* * for
15 Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) at the PhD student level
The GATEWAYS project conducts interdisciplinary climate change research on the ocean circulation and its linking with climate processes on regional to global scales. The project combines modern observations, climate (ocean, atmosphere) modelling and marine palaeoclimatology. GATEWAYS sets out to test the sensitivity of the ocean circulation to changing climates of the past. It will assess the dynamics of the ocean circulation as a function of climate change; the influence of ocean circulation on continental climate; and the impact of inter-ocean water transports on the basin- wide overturning circulation.
The project provides training in laboratory-based analytical protocols and instrumentation, data processing and management, and numerical climate modelling. Complementary skills training focuses on project management and communication techniques. Trainees receive an integrated interdisciplinary grounding in the marine and climate sciences; proficiency in analytical procedures, climate modelling and statistical data processing; managerial skills to design and carry out research in an efficient and pragmatic way.
An information package providing project overview and application information is available at the Institut de CieÌncia i Tecnologia Ambientals of the Universitat AutoÌnoma de Barcelona at icta
* GATEWAYS is sponsored by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community
** Deadline for applications is 30 September 2009
http://www.math- j.php?i=123
http://icta. on/index. jsp?id=569& id_idioma= 0
http://icta. recursos/ 1245673088874. pdf
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