

Nottingham University Business School Phd Scholarships

PhD Funding and Scholarships 2009-10
Nottingham University Business School Scholarships
The School is offering the following scholarships to full time Doctoral students for the 2009/10 session: Please note that applications for Nottingham University Business School Scholarships will be disregarded unless you have indicated, in the personal details section of the online application form or section 3 on the hardcopy postgraduate application form, where it asks 'how do you expect to pay for your studies' that you wish to be considered, i.e. you need to state 'NUBS Scholarship applicant'. School Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of former qualifications, academic background, references and research proposal. All of the required documentation in relation to this must be submitted to us by the deadline.

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships