

Denmark : PhD scholarship at the University of Copenhagen

Mechanisms of dendrimer uptake by cell membranes

Deadline: 03-04-2009
Publisher: University of Copenhagen
Address: Nørregade 10
City: 1017 København K
Phone: 353 20479
Fax: 35322628
WEB address:

Job description
The PhD project is within the area of membrane biophysics mainly the study of uptake mechanisms into the cell. Dendrimers are a unique class of nanostructured vehicles for drug and gene delivery into intracellular targets. They are unique given their monodispersity and multivalency, and can be used both by covalently attaching or encapsulating drugs.
Dendrimers produce high intracellular drug release and target efficiently tumors for
therapeutic and diagnostic applications. The surface chemistry of dendrimers influence their transport across epithelial and endothelial barriers. Dendrimer endocytocis via caveola/lipid rafts is markedly dependant on the dendrimer surface chemistry. The aim of this project is to gain information on why the surface chemistry of the dendrimer is so important for raft mediated endocytosis. In this project we will use both vesicles and supported bilayers as a simple model for cell membranes. We will combine various techniques, mainly dynamic light scattering and fluorescence microscopy, to unravel the mechanisms of dendrimer interaction with lipid bilayers. Changing the lipid composition we will be able to create domains similar to those in the cell membrane.
These techniques will allow us not only to visually inspect but also to quantify the motions of individual molecules within the lipid domains as they interact with dendrimers. The project will be a close collaboration between groups at the Faculties of Science with complementary expertise in surface chemistry and
We seek a talented and dedicated student with a M.Sc. degree of relevance to the project (chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, biology or similar). Candidates should have some experience/in depth knowledge in at least one of the techniques below:
  • Membrane biophysics
  • Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Light scattering
Salary and employment
Salary is according to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the respective host organizations. For Ph.D.students presently about DKr. 22.345,17 per month before pension contribution, subject to change depending on qualifications.
The Ph.D. employment will be for a total period of 3 years.
The Ph.D. student will be enrolled at Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. The project involves collaboration with research partners at Faculty of Life Sciences.
The application should contain a motivation letter, CV, letter of recommendation, copy of Master of Science diploma or transcript.
Deadline for application including all material is 3. April 2009 at 12:00 (noon).
Applications should be sent as a single pdf file to
Further information:
Please contact Dr Marit Cardenas Gomez, phone (+45)
353 20499 and/or Prof. Dimitris Stamou, phone (+45) 353 20479.

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships