

Summer course on "Advanced European Union Legal Practice" - Central European University, Budapest

Summer course on "Advanced European Union Legal Practice" - Central European University, Budapest
Course Dates: July 4-16, 2011
Location: Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary*

*Course Directors:*
Marie Pierre Granger, CEU, Department of Public Policy, Hungary
Imola Streho, Sciences Po, Paris, France
Joseph Weiler, New York University, Jean Monnet Center, USA

Jose M. de Areilza, Professor of European Union Law and Vice Dean of Legal Studies at Instituto de Empresa, Madrid;
Kieran St C. Bradley, Head of Unit in the Legal Service of the European Parliament, Brussels;
Damian Chalmers, Professor in EU law at the London School of Economics and Political Science;
Miguel Poiares Maduro, Professor at the European University Institute, Florence;
Karine Caunes, Jean Monnet Research Fellow within the Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice at NYU School of Law and coordinator of the Team.

Participants have two enrollment options. Either they opt for the Diploma option, which requires them to register for and pass an examination at the end of the course, and entitles them to receive a course Diploma and CEU academic credits. Or they opt for the Certificate option, which entitles them to receive a Certificate of Participation, provided that they meet the course requirements.

*Short description: *
This advanced course focuses on the practice of European Union Law, and this year more particularly on the European Union and the Individual. Participants receive hands-on insider analysis about the functioning of the European Union. The program is designed to combine seminars on different subjects as well as workshops supporting the topics addressed in these seminars or some aspects thereof. The Total Law - Method constitutes the backbone of the program and gives it its exceptional flavor.

The course will improve the participants' skills by explaining how economic, social and political contexts shape the particular legal problem addressed and impact the thinking about its legal solution. The program will equip participants with the ability to understand the
economic, social and political consequences of different legal outcomes. The discipline is Law. The focus is Law. But the premise is that Law cannot be understood, nor practiced professionally and competently, without understanding its broader contexts. Furthermore, this specificity of the Total Law' method allows for the program to be appealing and enriching to participants coming from different disciplines.

*Target audience:*
The program brings together participants from all over the world and from diverse legal backgrounds, i.e. law students near completion of their law degree, law graduates and legal professionals, who are seeking further credentials and experience in the field. It may be particularly appealing to government officials and those aiming at a career in national, international and/or European civil service, and those who wish to apply for jobs in the field of European Union law.

* Language of instruction: *

*Application deadline:
February 15, 2011*

Online application:

Eva Gedeon
Executive Director
CEU Summer University

Sarolta Szabo (Ms)
Program Co-ordinator
CEU Summer University ,1051 Budapest, Nador utca 9.
E-mail:, Phone: (36-1)327-3811, Fax: (36-1)327-3124
Web: www.sun.ceu. hu

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