

PhD studentship in theoretical combustion, UPMC, France

PhD studentship in theoretical combustion, UPMC, France
Job description: This position would concern theoretical/ numerical modelling of combustion dynamics.

The aim of the modelling work is to establish physical-sound mathematical models which are capable to shed some light on present issues for reliable design of combustion. An unresolved fundamental issue is the relative importance of hydrodynamics (turbulence) compared to chemical kinetics on the combustion process.
First, the mathematical and physical structure of the advection-reaction- diffusion equation that is typical for combustion phenomena will be studied.

In a second time, the complete compressible Navier-Stokes equation and the modelled reaction-diffusion equation previously analysed will be coupled. The work will use various experiments as basis for verifying the modelling. The experiments will be mainly from experimental research carried out at the department by the means of a rapid-compression machine.

The work will be carried out in collaboration with the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Keywords: Turbulence, Theory, reactive flows, numerical simulations.

Applications are now invited for the position and are tenable as soon as possible. Candidates are expected to have a degree in Physics, mechanical Engineering or a similar discipline; Candidates who are also skilled in fluid mechanics, dynamical systems and numerical methods are strongly encouraged.

More information can be found at

Please send your applications, including a CV possibly with a list of references, as a single PDF-file by email to the address

Address: Institut Jean Le Rond D'Alembert Université Paris 6 case 162 4, place jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05

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