

Switzerland : Ph.D. Program at Faculty of Informatics

We encourage applications from highly qualified candidates. Admission to the Ph.D. program is competitive. Each year we receive many strong applications from around the world. Applicants are admitted based on their research interests and experience, potential for success in the program, and compatibility with current needs of the Faculty.

The official language of the Ph.D. program is English. Students must be able to demonstrate fluency in English prior to admission.

The Ph.D. program is governed by regulations adopted by the Faculty.

In order to be admitted, the applicant must have completed a Masters degree in computer science, informatics, or a closely related field prior to joining the program (but not necessarily prior to applying to the program).

Applications for admission to the Ph.D. program are reviewed two times per year. Admission is typically for the Fall semester (commencing in September).

Applications for admission to the Ph.D. program - Dates Application Deadline Approximate Notification Date Start Date

December 1

February 1

March 1 (Spring Semester)

May 1

July 1

September 1 (Fall Semester)

Students must complete their applications to arrive on or before the appropriate deadline, and will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the approximate notification date.

The application for admission to the Informatics Ph.D. program consists of the following completed materials.

General USI Ph.D. application

At least one (but preferably two) letter(s) of recommendation from persons familiar with the applicant's academic abilities (e.g., a thesis advisor).

Please note that the letter of recommendation must be sent by the recommender under separate cover.

A one- or two-page statement of purpose, written in English by the applicant, describing: the applicant's motivation for obtaining a Ph.D. degree; how the applicant acquired fluency in English; any particular research interests; any prior research experience; reason for applying to the USI program; and current plans for a professional career after obtaining the Ph.D. degree

Completed application materials should be mailed to the following address.

Ph.D. Admissions

Faculty of Informatics

University of Lugano

Via G. Buffi 13

6904 Lugano, Switzerland

Financial Assistance

Most students in the Ph.D. program are supported as assistants. The support covers tuition and provides a stipend. Responsibilities of assistants include both teaching and research duties. Generally students receive support as long as funds are available and the student is making adequate progress through the program (as described in the regulations).


Please contact the Dean's Officce (decanato dot inf at usi dot ch) for further information on the Ph.D. program and admission process.

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