

Spain: Zaragoza Logistics Center / FUNED Joint Scholarships


Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) has signed in March 2009 a joint agreement with FUNED (Fundación Mexicana para la Educación, la Tecnología y la Ciencia, A. C.), with the objective of awarding in collaboration one scholarship for a qualified applicant from Mexico to undertake the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program in the academic year 2009-2010.

FUNED is a private non profit organization created with the sole purpose of contributing to improve the level of higher education in Mexico. The foundation fulfills its mission by offering complementary financing to Mexican students to help them obtain a masters degree from a reputable University. Through this education they can obtain added knowledge and multicultural vision which they can eventually user to help Mexican organizations to keep pace with the accelerated advance in management, productivity, science and technology of the global economy.

The MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management program attracts top students from around the world to study and perform research in Zaragoza, Spain. The ZLOG program builds on the successful curriculum at MIT, which has consistently been ranked first by US News & World Report in logistics and supply chain management. As part of the program, ZLOG students travel to the U.S. to attend seminars at MIT and visit companies. ZLOG requires nine months of full time study in English. In addition to core and elective coursework, the curriculum includes a thesis project that typically involves one or more companies. The program develops the analytical and leadership skills that companies seek in an increasingly technological and international marketplace.

ZLC provides a 30% tuition scholarship for the ZLOG Program, equivalent to €6,450. Furthermore, FUNED grants a “credit-scholarship” covering up to 40% of the total cost of the ZLOG Program, not to exceed $20,000 USD. The amount provided to the scholarship holder will be based on the results of FUNED’s financial needs evaluation of the student, his or her repayment capability, and a personal interview.

Eligibility & Requirements
The scholarship can only de awarded only to a student who has been admitted to ZLOG Program through the regular admissions procedure and has been approved by FUNED for a “credit-scholarship”.

To be approved for a “credit-scholarship” every candidate must submit evidence of:

  • Solid academic credentials
  • Acceptance by the university of his choice
  • Repayment capability and a guarantor
  • Commitment to help Mexico’s development Willingness to collaborate in enhancing the penetration of FUNED

Finally, eligible candidates must comply with the following criteria:

  • Be a Mexican citizen and reside in Mexico in the moment of applying.
  • Be fluent in English (minimum TOEFL score of 105 points in the Internet based test).
  • Demonstrate a competitive GMAT or GRE score. Exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated strong academic achievement in completing a college degree - including some quantitative training - and evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language.
  • Demonstrate professional excellence in Logistics/Supply Chain Management or exceptional academic achievement (minimum GPA of 3.5 on the scale of 4.0 or equivalent).
  • Completion of a four year undergraduate program equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree, with an average grade of minimum 8.

Application Process and Documents
A. The applicants must have been admitted to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program through the Foundation’s regular admissions procedure.

For further information about the ZLOG admissions process and requirements please contact the ZLC admissions office by e-mail:, phone: (+34) 976 077 605 or skype: zlc_admissions_office.

B. Applicants should send to FUNED one copy of the below mentioned documents in a green folder, holed in the left side, as according to the following enumeration and with dividers with flaps that indicate a simplified title on each. The address is:

Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma No 115, piso 7 módulo 704
Edificio NRM, a un lado de la Galería el Triunfo
Col. Paseo de las Lomas (Santa Fe) C.P. 01330. Frente a la Universidad Iberoamericana
Phone: 5292-2565 (Fax: extention 112)
E-mail: dudas[ at ] or funedmx[ at ]

Application Material

1. Application. This document should be sent online and also printed and attached to the application material that should be sent to FUNED.

2. Identification. Copy of birth certificate and ID card or passport.

3. One page resume.

4. Transcripts. Copy of transcripts from the graduate program in which student has participated, including information about each course and grade.

5. A brief essay (maximum one page) describing the professional and personal motives for undertaking the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program.

6. Certificates:

  • Copies of the GMAT or GRE test scores (in the exceptional cases where the student has been waived through the ZLOG admissions procedure these documents will not be required).
  • Copy of the TOEFL score.

7. Copy of admissions letter to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program.

8. Funding:

The applicant will hand in:

  • Copy of a supporting document that can account for the income statement in the application.
  • In case the student has received or will receive scholarships, fellowships or grants from other sources the applicant will indicate details concerning the quantities, deadlines and obligations involved.
  • In case the applicant has a bank loan he/she will indicate in one sheet the amounts and payment procedure of the same.

The applicant should be careful in filling out clearly the data of sections 8 and 10 of the application.

9. The guarantee will hand in:

  • Letter of commitment as according to the format established.
  • Copy of the birth certificate and ID card. In case the guarantee is married he/she should hand in a copy of the marriage certificate.
  • o Copy of the title deed of the property.
  • o Supporting document that accounts for the payment of the property taxes (predial).
  • Valuation of the property (only in case the former document does not indicate the property value).
  • Copy of a supporting document that accounts for the income statement in the application.
  • Co-guarantee letter as according to the format established.

10. Recommendation letters on headed notepaper: 3 in total; (each of one page with details of the academic or working performance) one from the authorities or professor of university; one from a former work employer and one from a company or person (it can not be a relative of the candidate).

11. If the applicant is married: copy of the marriage certificate and, in case of children, copies of birth certificates.

12. Verification in the Credit Bureau: The applicant must process his/her report and the one of the guarantee(s) on the following website: The results should be attached to the application.

FUNED will verify the applications and in case they are approved the candidates will be selected for interviews with FUNED during which the application can be denied or, in case

of approval, a proposal for a credit-scholarship will be prepared as according to FUNED’s evaluation of the repayment credibility of the candidate.

Once the candidates have been accepted by FUNED their applications will be reviewed by ZLC where after the final candidate will be selected.

Deadline for Application

The deadline for application is May 13th 2009. Early application is however encouraged.

Contact information
For further details on how to apply and what qualifications are required for this scholarship please contact:

Zaragoza Logistics Center
Financial Aid Office
Avenida Gómez Laguna 25, 1ª Planta ? E-50009 Zaragoza (SPAIN)
Phone: +34 (976) 077 603 ? Fax: +34 (976) 077 601

Skype: zlc_financial_aid_office ? Email: financialaid[ at ]

For further information on FUNED’s “credit-scholarship Program” please visit the following website: or contact them by phone or e-mail:

FUNED - Fundación Mexicana para la Educación, la Tecnología y la Ciencia, A. C.
Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 115-704 (Santa Fé) - 01330 México, D.F.
Tel/fax: (55) 5292-2565 - E-mail: funedmx[ at ]

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships