

Estonia: PhD Scholarships in Data Mining and Software Engineering, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu

The Institute of Computer Science at University of Tartu is inviting applications for multiple PhD positions to undertake research in the context of industry-university collaborative projects. Successful applicants will conduct research in the fields of data mining and software engineering, specifically in one the following topic areas:

- Social Network Analysis: Developing and evaluating techniques for efficient analysis of very large and rapidly evolving social networks in order to discover patterns of individual or collective user behaviour

- Adaptive User Interfaces: Applying data mining and machine learning techniques in order to discover user intentions at runtime and to adapt the delivery of online content accordingly

- Service Monitoring: Monitoring networks of software services on a continuous basis in order to identify anomalies, misuses and re-design opportunities.

- Software Development Monitoring: Applying data mining and machine learning techniques in order to analyse networks of software developers and code contributions in software development projects.

Successful candidates will evolve in either the Software Engineering Group or the Bioinformatics and Data Mining Group at University of Tartu’s Institute of Computer Science. The Institute participates in the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science which provides an environment for the development of PhD students and young researchers.

The scholarships are for a period of four years, at a rate of EUR 800 per month (after taxes). In addition, travel expenses will be reimbursed to successful applicants relocating from abroad. The scholarship package will also provide funds to participate in conferences, workshops, and/or summer schools during the PhD studies.

The successful applicants will have:

- A Master’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering or a related field, awarded no later than June 2009.
- Strong software development skills
- Excellent communication skills and proficiency in English
- Preferably: demonstrated knowledge and skills in at least one of the above topic areas

Please send a curriculum vitae, a statement of interest in one of the proposed research topics and a copy of academic transcripts, to Prof. Marlon Dumas (marlon.dumas[ at ]

Applications will be accepted until 15 May 2009. Successful applicants are expected to start in September 2009.

For further information, see:

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships