

Norway: PhD Studentship on Using MERIS Full Resolution Data for Improved Monitoring of the Coastal Zone

PhD Studentship on Using MERIS Full Resolution Data for Improved Monitoring of the Coastal Zone, Norway

The Department of Systems Ecology
announces a PhD studentship in Marine Ecology
(Reference number: Dnr 12/2009)

Project description:
This PhD project is aimed at developing remote sensing techniques in optically complex waters using MERIS full resolution data (300 m resolution). The areas in focus are the northwestern Baltic Sea and Lake Vänern.

The main scientific question to answer is whether it is possible to use MERIS full resolution data to evaluate the effect of the nitrogen experiment in Himmerfjärden during 2007-2010, and to evaluate the performance of MERIS full resolution data in Lake Vänern. The PhD project will be conducted within the framework of an externally financed project (Algorithm development and validation of MERIS data over optically complex waters, funded by the Swedish National Space Board and co-funded by ESA) under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Susanne Kratzer.

The student will have the possibility to participate in the PhD training program organized by the Nordic Network for Aquatic Remote Sensing (NordAquaRemS). There will also be an opportunity to collaborate within the ESA MERIS validation team.

The successful candidate should have a first degree in geomatics, physical geography or physical oceanography with emphasis on marine remote sensing. Experience with GIS and working on board a research vessel are clear merits, and the student will be expected to join campaigns onboard ship. A driving licence would be useful for the field work. A clear interest in Baltic Sea ecology and optical theory are absolutely necessary. The successful candidate must have a good command of English (both spoken and written), and good knowledge of Swedish is also of advantage because we also work in collaboration with end-users.

Evaluation criteria for a successful application are:
- A first degree (BSc, Swedish kandidatexamen or equivalent) in a relevant field
- Practical experience related to the research task.
- A solid background in scientific theory, method and analysis of data.
- Your analytical skills should be documented by your thesis (BSc thesis or examensarbete) and can be complemented with an essay or a scientific report.
- The C.V. of the applicant and personal references.
- Gender equality aspects will also be considered.

Nature of employment
After acceptance of the PhD project plan prepared by the student, the student will be awarded a stipend. This stipend will be covered by the externally funded research project. After 2 years, the student is expected to defend his/her licentiate thesis (PhD up-grading). After successful defence of the licentiate, the student will be employed within a PhD position supported by the Department of Systems Ecology (doktorandtjänst). More details about the project can be requested from Dr. Susanne Kratzer
susanne.kratzer[ at ]

Information about postgraduate studies at Stockholm University can be found at:

Information about the PhD training program may be requested from Prof. Sture Hansson,
Sture.Hansson[ at ] . Please contact Barbara Pol, 08-16 42 58 /
barbara[ at ] regarding the rules about PhD stipends (utbildningsbidrag).

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren, SACO, Lars-Åke Säll/ST-ATF and Gunnar Stenberg/SEKO tel 08-162000 (switch board).

Your application for acceptance to the PhD training program (forskarutbildning) should include a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates and transcripts of academic records (all attested), a list of two persons who may act as referees (with phone numbers and email addresses), and one copy of your undergraduate thesis and articles, if any.

The full application should be labelled ‘PhD-studentship Dnr 12/2009’ and sent to:

Stockholm University
Department of Systems Ecology
Personnel matters/B. Pol
106 91 Stockholm

The application should be postmarked no later than 2 May 2009.

Further information on the web:
Stockholms University:
Stockholm University:

The Department of Systems Ecology:

The handbook for postgraduate students:

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships