

PhD Positions in Neuroengineering, Robotics & Navigation

The Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (http://www. at the University of Lübeck invites applications for 3-year PhD scholarships in the fields of Brain Imaging, Robotics, Brain Plasticity, Navigation Methods, Neuroanatomy, Human-Computer Interfacing, Minimal Invasive Interventions.

Application deadline: June 30, 2009.

Project titles:
I1a - Diffusion Tensor methods
I1b - Correction of Susceptibility caused Distortions in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
I1c - Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography in the Deep Brain
I1d - Small animal brain imaging with nano CT
I1e - Transcranial sonography (TCS) in monogenic forms of Parkinsonism
I1f - Combined motion detection and motion correction medical imaging
I1g - Neurochemical whole-brain mapping using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
I2a - Stroke Rehabilitation Robot
I2b - Parallel mode of action control: from human studies to intelligent robotic interfaces
I2c - Learning to See Better
I2d - Cardiac pacemaker localisation
I3a - Memory enhancement by transcranial brain stimulation
I3b - Brain Modelling
I3c - Relationship between brain activity and peripheral glucose metabolism - combining experimentally acquired data with a mathematical model
I4a - Robotic micromanipulator for small animal studies
I4b - Navigation and electrophysiologica l recordings in Deep Brain Surgery
I4c - Robot assisted navigation guided OCT operating microscope
I5a - Definition of cortical networks for the control of eye and hand movements
I5b - Wavelet-Based TMS-EEG Data Analysis
I5c - 3-dimensional kinematic principles of eye, head and limb movements
I6a - Interfaces based on EEG, ECoG and DBS
I6b - Nonlinear and multivariate EEG analysis
I6c - Basics in deep brain stimulation (DBS)
I6d - Next generation auditory prosthesis
I7 - Computer assisted minimally invasive interventions

Candidates are expected to have a master's degree (or its equivalent) in computer science, mathematics or engineering. Prior experiences in scientific publishing (during the university study or industry employment) are of advantage.

Please prepare all the necessary documents and submit your application online:

For further information, send email to: management@gradscho ol.uni-luebeck. de or visit our website at http://www.gradscho ol.uni-luebeck. de/.

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