

30 Doctoral Scholarships in Mathematics at University of Bonn

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Doctoral Scholars

The Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics (BIGS-Mathematics) , embraced by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, a Cluster of Excellence established within the German government's Excellence Initiative, offers a PhD program in mathematics based upon the well-known teaching and research tradition of the Department of Mathematics and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. Research topics for dissertations can be chosen from the following sections:

Algebra and number theory (J. Franke, G. Harder, M. Rapoport, J. Schröer, C. Stroppel, D. Zagier) | Algebraic and arithmetic geometry (G.Faltings, G.Harder, D.Huybrechts, N. Perrin, M.Rapoport) | Differential geometry (W. Ballmann, U. Hamenstädt) | Discrete mathematics and complexity theory (S. Hougardy, M. Karpinski, B. Korte, T. Nieberg, N. Saxena, J. Vygen) | Global analysis (M. Lesch, W. Müller) | Mathematical models in the natural sciences (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, M. Griebel, F.Otto) | Moduli spaces (W. Ballmann, C.-F. Bödigheimer, G. Faltings, U. Hamenstädt, G. Harder, M. Marcolli, Y. Manin, S. Schwede, D. Zagier) | Numerical analysis (M. Griebel, R. Krause) | Partial differential equations (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, H. Koch, F. Otto, M. Rumpf, L. Székelyhidi) | Probability and statistics (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, M. Karpinski, M. Schäl, K.-T. Sturm) | Pure and applied logic (M. Karpinski, P. Poepke) | Scientific computing (M. Griebel, H. Harbrecht, R. Krause, M. Rumpf) | Stochastic analysis (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, F. Otto, K.-T. Sturm) | Topology (H.-J. Baues, C.-F. Bödigheimer, J. Hornbostel, M. Kreck, S. Schwede).

There are currently about 100 PhD students in the program, which offers a wide range of lecture courses, graduate seminars, research seminars, and winter/summer schools. The language of instruction is English. 30 doctoral grants (Hausdorff scholarships) of 1100 euros per month for a maximum of 3 years can be awarded, beginning April or October each year. The grants are supplied by a family allowance, if applicable. In addition, there are 8 qualifying grants of 800 euros per month for a qualifying year.

Applications are to be sent to: Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer, Director of Graduate Studies,
Universität Bonn, Mathematisches Institut, Endenicher Allee 60, D-53115 Bonn, Germany.

Deadline for applications
15 January annually for entry in April or October | 31 May annually for entry in October.

For more details and a list of required documents see: www.bigs-math. uni-bonn. de

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