

Germany: PhD Studentships, International Graduate School on Self-organization in Mobile Communication Systems

PhD Studentships, International Graduate School on Self-organization in Mobile Communication Systems, Germany

The International Graduate School on Mobile Communications at the Ilmenau University of Technology requests applications for the following positions:

  • 14 full-time research positions for doctoral students
  • 1 full-time postdoc position
  • 4 qualification stipends to prepare for doctoral studies

The Graduate School guides students to complete the doctoral program in three years.

The research focus is on the interdisciplinary development of mechanisms for self-organization in mobile communication systems considering protocol, network and radio aspects. Self-organization allows for the fast adaptation of highly complex systems to changing environments. This will provide the foundation for flexible future mobile communication networks.

The research goal of the School is the development of mechanisms for the autonomous, dynamic, distributed coordination of future mobile communication systems. Self-organization is applied to the radio system, protocols and the network as a whole. Our specific application scenarios are disaster networks, requiring an aggressive approach to network operation.

Details on the Graduate School can be found at The detailed job announcement is available at this page.

Due to numerous requests, the deadline for applications has been extended to April 20, 2009.

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships