

France: PhD Studentship in Forestry, Tree Biomechanics, INRA Nancy

PhD Studentship in Forestry, Tree Biomechanics, INRA Nancy, France

Project Title
Modelling the biomechanical response of adult trees induced by their unbalanced biomass.

Short description:
Biomechanical stresses are essential all along tree life, but they can have negative consequences as soon as the trees are felled. In this field, since the XIXth century a lot of knowledge has been established. Most of time, experiments were led on young trees, in controlled conditions. These previous works have established that negative gravitropism is one of the main mechanisms inducing high stress level. However, to transfer this knowledge into operational recommendations concerning adult trees within a context of stand management, some information is still missing and requires adapted studies.

Nowadays, with new tools such as terrestrial LIDAR scanner, an accurate description of the spatial distribution of the volumes (trunk and branches) within trees can be reached, and used to establish links between (i) the mechanical loading supported by the trunk at a given height, and (ii) the response induced at the periphery of the trunk close to the cambium which leads to a differential of maturation strains acting as a muscle for controlling the posture of the tree.

Based on a suitable sampling design, mixing species, development stage, and stand structure, an extensive field experiment will be carried out to constitute a database which will be analysed by means of mechanical modelling.

Keywords: Forestry, Tree measurement, Terrestrial LIDAR, Laser, Metrology, Biomass, Gravitropism, Growth stress, Reaction wood, Modelling, Response function,

General Framework
Prepared Diploma:
PhD in Forestry Sciences delivered by AgroParisTech, and prepared in RP2E Doctoral School.

Period: 1st October 2009-30th September 2012

Gross Salary: 1650 €/month
PhD scholarship is funded by ANR (French National Research Agency) through the EMERGE Project (2008- BIOE- 003) and by Lorraine Region

Location: INRA Research Centre – F54280 CHAMPENOUX (FRANCE) (15 km from Nancy)
Laboratory: LERFoB1 UMR INRA-AgroParisTech n°1092

To be considered for entry, applicants should hold, or expect to hold by 1st September 2009 master degree or equivalence in a field relevant to the proposed research topic. The topic requires skills in several of the following fields forestry, programming, mechanical engineering, and applied mathematics. A good fluency in English and/ or in French is required. The application should include a letter summarising motivation, research interests and relevant experience, and a complete CV, including obtained grades and a list of publications (if available), and names and contact information of two references.

The deadline for applying is the 1st June 2009.

Contact Persons:
constant[ at ]
Tel: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 66.
Fax: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 69

fournier[ at ]
Tel: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 01
Fax: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 69

Postal Address:
INRA Research Centre
Route d’Amance
54280 Champenoux

LERFoB = French acronym for Joint Research Unit for Forest and Wood Resource

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships