

UN-Nippon Foundation Fellowships in Marine Science and Law of the Sea

The United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan concluded a trust fund project agreement to provide capacity-building and human resource development to developing coastal States Parties and non-Parties to UNCLOS through a new Fellowship Programme.

The main objective of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for advanced education and training in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea, and related disciplines including marine science, to Government officials and other mid-level professionals from developing coastal States, so that they may obtain the necessary knowledge to assist their countries to formulate comprehensive ocean policy and to implement the legal regime set out in UNCLOS and related instruments.


You must be between the ages of 25 and 35.
You must have successfully completed a first university degree, and demonstrate a capacity to undertake independent advanced academic research and study.
Your proposed research and study programme must contribute directly to your nation’s formulation and/or implementation of ocean affairs and law of the sea policies and programmes.
Deadline: 15 August.

For more information and application materials pleas contact Marine Science and Law of the Sea Scholarships Website at:

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Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships