

UK : Kurdish Studies PhD Studentships

UK : Kurdish Studies PhD Studentships

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in the field of Kurdish Studies commencing in October 2010. The awards have been made available through a grant awarded to the Centre for Kurdish Studies by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq. It is anticipated that up to 5 PhD studentships will be available for the 2010/11 academic year.
Your research project may be in any discipline of the humanities and social sciences as applied to the study of the Kurds and Kurdistan, including (but not limited to) political science, history, geography, sociology, language and literature, religious studies, anthropology, and gender studies.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates - you should have or expect to have at least a 2.1 degree, and preferably have a Masters degree or equivalent.
Closing date for completed applications is Friday 25 June 2010.
Studentship details
The studentships cover the cost of tuition fees (at both home and international levels) and provide a maintenance grant of up to £12,600 a year.
How to apply
Applicants should submit a formal application to the University of Exeter for the PhD in Kurdish Studies. In addition, they should send a copy of their CV to: Elizabeth Hull at ( by Friday 25th June 2010 (please clearly state on your application form that you are applying for this studentship).

Tentative Application Deadline : 25 June 2010

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