

Junior Research Fellows (JRF) DBT Project, IIAR, Gujarat, India

KOBA VILLAGE, GANDHINAGAR-382 007 ( Application Dedline: December 14, 2009
Applications are invited for the positions of Junior Research Fellows (JRF) in a five year DBT-sponsored project “Programme support for School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology”
Position: Junior Research Fellow Department of Plant Cell & Molecular Biology (1 post) and Department of Molecular Biology of Disease(1 post)Rs. 12,000 + HRA p.m

Essential Qualification: Post Graduate (First Division) in Plant Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Microbiology/Biotechnology/Botany.
Desirable: Experience in techniques like Plant Tissue Culture, PCR, cloning, protein expression and purification. Age not more than 30 years on 30th November 2009 (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Govt. of India guidelines).
General Conditions:
  1. The engagement for the projects is purely on temporary basis for the period of duration of the project.
  2. It is not an appointment with the institute and will not confer any right of the incumbent to any claim implicit or
    explicit on any position.
  3. Appointment will be initially for a period of one year to be extended further depending upon satisfactory performance of the incumbent and is co-terminus with the project.
Please apply on plain paper,  with latest photo, mentioning qualifications, experience and name of two referees along  with bio-data to The Director, School of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Advanced Research, Koba Institutional Area, Koba, Gandhinagar-382 007, Gujarat, India or by email at by December 14, 2009.

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