

Italy : The XXV Cycle International PhD Open Positions 2010 at University of Catania

The University of Catania for the XXV cycle has activated the PhD Courses, included those of the Scuola Superiore di Catania, as shown below:
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Phytosanitary Technologies and Defense of Agroecosystems
  • Pharmaceuticals Sciences
  • European Policies of Procedural and Criminal Law and Judicial Cooperation
  • Electronic Engineering, Automation and Control of Complex Systems Engineering
  • Microbiology
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Administrative Law
  • Energy
  • Nano Science
Admission Requirements
Italian University degree (old regulation, at least 4 yrs courses) or a specialist degree/master (new regulation 3+2 yrs courses) or with a foreign certifiably equivalent academic qualification.
In case the academic qualification has not been certified equivalent yet, candidates must request a certification of suitability from the Doctorate Academic Board by attaching the appropriate documents (qualification type, name and duration, study programme specifying each single educational activity including a list of courses taken and their grades). These documents, translated and legalised, must be sent together with the application form.
Candidates must draft their admission separately for each competition in either Italian or English according to the facsimile accompanying this notice. It is also possible to participate for those regularly attending the last year of a degree course (Italian University degree old regulation or specialist degree/master or foreign certifiably equivalent academic qualification) and that are certain to obtain the diploma within the 31st December 2009. In the latter case admission will be conditioned by the production of the degree diploma before the 10th January 2010, otherwise candidates will lose the right to attend the course.
In any case, the selection Committees will take into account only the qualifications sent by candidates within the deadline of this call for admission.
Application Form
Candidates must fill in the application form available at the website and complete the form with all requested information, following the on-line procedure, not later than the 23rd November 2009.


[USA] The Contemporary Russia Program for the year 2010 to Students and Current American Teachers in Russia

The American Councils Contemporary Russia Program offers students and current American teachers of history, social studies, and language arts an opportunity to study abroad in Russia and to gain new knowledge and competency in Russian area studies and Russian language. Contemporary Russia is the first American Councils program designed to serve participants at all levels of Russian-language proficiency, including those with no prior training in the language.
Contemporary Russia provides twenty-two hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian economics, Russian politics, Russian culture, and Russian language. All content-based courses are taught in English by faculty of the State University: Higher School of Economics in Moscow, one of Russia’s most prestigious centers for the study of social sciences. Program participants receive ten hours per week of Russian language instruction geared toward their skill level (participants with no prior training in Russian will be provided elementary instruction, while those who have completed previous language courses will attend more advanced classes). Participants are registered for academic credit at Bryn Mawr College.
A full-time resident director oversees academic and cultural programs; assists participants in academic, administrative and personal matters; and coordinates activities with the host institution faculty. Participants live with Russian host families or in university dormitories. Other program features include weekly cultural excursions, peer tutors, and pre-departure orientation in Washington, D.C.

Applicants must be (1) U.S. citizens or permanent who are currently K-12 teachers of culture, history, or literature, or (2) U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduate students or rising juniors and seniors at the undergraduate level, and plan to pursue a career in teaching.
Five Weeks
June 22, 2010 to July 28, 2010
Twelve finalists will be selected to receive program funding from the U.S. Department of Education under the Fulbright-Hays Act. All program expenses (less the $850 administrative fee and their domestic travel to and from Washington, D.C.) will be paid for these participants.
Deadline: February 15
Funded By:
Participants; Scholarships available
** For more detailed program information, please visit the American Councils Study Abroad Programs website: Go to
The application for 2010 is now available for download.
Visit this program’s web site for more information.
Send e-mail to:

[USA] Post-doctoral Fellowship in Conservation Research

The Society for Conservation Biology is pleased to solicit applications for the David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program. These Fellowships enable outstanding early-career scientists based at a United States institution to improve and expand their research skills while directing their efforts towards problems of pressing conservation concern for the United States. The Program especially encourages individuals who want to better link conservation science and theory with pressing policy and management applications to apply. We envision that the cadre of scientists supported by the Smith Fellows Program eventually will assume leadership positions across the field of conservation science. Fellows are selected on the basis of innovation, potential for leadership and strength of proposal.
Smith post-doctoral Fellows will be awarded two years of support for applied research in the field of biological conservation. Fellowship applicants must have received their doctorate within the last five years, demonstrate high potential for innovative research and leadership in their field, and propose a research plan that creatively and effectively addresses a pressing conservation question. Each Fellow is mentored by both an academic sponsor who encourages the Fellow’s continued development as a conservation scientist, and a conservation practitioner who helps to connect the Fellow and her/his research to practical conservation challenges. Fellows must secure sponsorship from an academic sponsor at an institution in the United States well-suited to carrying out the proposed research. Each fellow will choose a field mentor with expertise and experience in “on-the-ground” application of conservation science and who is associated with a government agency, nongovernmental organization, or other conservation organization. Applicants who arrange for mentors and research sites before submission of their application provide the review panel with strong evidence of initiative and leadership, and help to ensure that proposed research is relevant to conservation practices. Fellowships are spent primarily at the sponsoring academic institution or at the location best suited to conducting the research; up to four weeks each year will be spent in professional development training.

Smith Fellows in 2010 will be selected for their leadership potential, and their ability to conduct innovative applied research that promises to improve the effectiveness of conservation practice. Emphasis is placed on research that will advance conservation science. Research approaches may include comparative studies, synthetic analyses across sites, experimental or observational studies, applied modeling, or any combination.
Individuals with outstanding, innovative skills in research and communication are encouraged to submit Fellowship applications with research proposals aimed at the above or any other issue relevant to conservation biology. The Program expects to select four Fellows in January 2010 for appointments to start sometime between March-September 2010. Fellowship awards include an annual salary of $50,000, benefits, and generous travel and research budgets.
Eligibility and Award Terms
Eligible individuals must have completed their doctorate within the past five years or by the time the award is made in 2010. Applicants who have not yet completed their doctorate must clearly indicate on the application the date the degree is expected.
Each Fellow will receive an annual salary of $50,000 plus benefits, with the post-doctoral position expected to run for two consecutive years. In addition to the stipend, each Fellow receives a travel budget of over $8,000 and a research fund of more than $33,000 across the 2-year fellowship period.
Fellows will spend up to four weeks per year during their fellowship attending orientation and training events. These offerings provide opportunities to cultivate professional networks and to gain better understanding of applied research needs. Fellows will participate as a group in three or more Program-sponsored meetings, conferences, or professional development events each year. Each Fellow also will consult with their mentor(s) to identify and secure additional opportunities to learn about problems and issues in applied conservation. Beyond these obligations, Fellows are expected to pursue the research outlined in their proposal full-time.
Fellows will be employed by the sponsoring academic institution. The Program will provide up to 5% of the total indirect costs as overhead reimbursement to this institution. Second-year renewal of the fellowship is contingent upon satisfactory progress (including but not limited to participation in orientation, training, and professional development events) as well as timely completion of detailed interim and first-year activity reports.
Application Materials
All materials must be submitted electronically to All files should be submitted in PDF or MS Word format. You may submit materials in separate files or all in one file (all in one file and PDF preferred). Please include your last name in some part of the file name. Letters sent on your behalf should include your last name and the sender’s last name in some part of the file name. Please do not *lock* PDF documents as they will be merged with other application materials (such as recommendation letters) to make review more convenient. Many Universities will offer to submit entire proposals on an applicant’s behalf. We are accustomed to receiving proposals directly from the applicant and prefer to do it this way. The only item that should come directly from the University/other sponsoring institution is the indirect cost waiver (item 7. below).

  • Cover letter: Applicants should provide a compelling narrative of her/his interest in conservation, evidence of leadership and innovation, and how the fellowship could facilitate a unique and interdisciplinary plan for professional development. Applicants should not use cover letters to restate or extend material presented in the proposal, personal statement, and vita. Thoughtful, well-crafted cover letters improve the likelihood that competitive proposals will be identified during the initial stages of proposal evaluation.
  • Title Page: Include applicant’s name, contact information, project title, academic sponsor and research institution, reference names and institutions, and conservation practitioner sponsor (if known).
  • Research Plan: The 8-page research plan should include the following:
    • abstract,
    • background section,
    • statement of objectives,
    • approaches and methods,
    • anticipated results,
    • research schedule,
    • relevance to conservation science and practice
    Literature cited is not included in the 8-page limit. Research approaches may include comparative studies, synthetic analyses across sites, experimentation or observational studies, applied modeling, or any combination. Proposed research may include intensive work at one site, work at multiple sites, or comparative evaluations of studies by other scientists across many sites. In all cases, the central questions of the inquiry must be clearly articulated. Proposed study sites must be noted; an explanation of how the results will inform conservation practice is required. The research plan (excluding literature cited) must not under any circumstances exceed 8 pages. Font size must be at least 11 point; margins must be at least 2.5 cm; line spacing must be at least 1.5. The cover letter, literature cited, personal statement, and curriculum vitae are not included in the 8-page limit for the research plan. Deviations from these requirements may be grounds for disqualification.
  • Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae.
  • Personal Statement: Please address the following questions (<200 words each):
    • Give an example(s) of an accomplishment you believe demonstrates your leadership skills or entrepreneurial abilities.
    • How is your research “cutting edge” or innovative?
    • What will be the greatest impact of your research? Who or what will be most greatly affected?
  • Letters:
    • Three (3) letters of recommendation addressing the merits of the candidate and the candidate’s proposal. Letters should be written by individuals familiar with the applicant’s skills, experience, and research. Letters should emphasize the qualifications of the applicant, in particular any unique abilities to contribute significantly to conservation science and practice. Each letter writer must submit an electronic copy of their letter to It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that reference letters are submitted by the deadline.
    • Sponsor Support Letter: Letter from the sponsoring scientist expressing their commitment to support the applicant’s research and to encourage her/his professional development as a conservation scientist. The sponsor’s letter should verify the availability of laboratory/office space, libraries and other relevant institutional resources, and describe how the applicant’s research relates to the sponsor’s ongoing research.
    • Sponsor’s Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae: A 2-page version of the sponsoring scientist’s CV (similar to that required by NSF).
    • Support letter from practitioner mentor: If a conservation practitioner has already agreed to serve as a mentor, s/he should submit a letter expressing their support and describing how the proposed research will benefit conservation efforts. Applicants who arrange for mentors before submission provide the review panel with strong evidence of initiative and leadership.
    • Indirect cost waiver: A letter verifying that the sponsoring institution will waive indirect costs in excess of 5%. Request the waiver early to ensure your application will be complete by the deadline. This item may be submitted via fax to 703.995.4633 or email
Deadlines and Contact Information All application materials, including letters from sponsors and references, must be received by Society for Conservation Biology by 5pm EST on September 18, 2009. The selection process begins immediately after this date. There are no extensions to this deadline and incomplete applications may be disqualified. Questions about the application process may be directed to the Smith Fellows Program
Selection Criteria, Process, and Notification
Fellows are selected according to four criteria:
  • professional record,
  • perceived potential for innovation and leadership,
  • commitment to biological conservation, and
  • the strength of their proposal. An ideal Smith Fellow is an innovative, practical-minded researcher with strong leadership potential. S/he will have excellent communication skills and a keen interest in applied research that improves conservation practice. The ideal proposal will clearly articulate concepts and objectives that are both innovative and feasible. The Fellowship funders require that the Fellow be based at a U.S. institution and that the research be primarily conducted in the U.S. However, U.S. citizenship is not required.
Proposal evaluation will emphasize clarity of thought and evidence of leadership potential. A broad spectrum of external research scientists and other conservation professionals initially conduct written reviews of all applications. A separately convened review panel selects a pool of semi-finalists deemed eligible for interviews. Personal interviews are then conducted before making the final selection.
Unsuccessful candidates will be notified of the status of their application by January 31, 2010. Because of staff limitations we are unable to provide a written critique of proposals. Funds are available for Fellows to start between 1 March and 1 September 2010 at the Fellow’s discretion.
more info click here

[Australia] International Scholarships – ICE WaRM

ICE WaRM offers a scholarship programme to attract high quality international students to education and training in water resources management, delivered by ICE WaRM partner institutions.

The ICE WaRM scholarship programme aims to:

  • provide high calibre students with the opportunity to study with ICE WaRM partners to further their knowledge;
  • provide students with the opportunity to participate in research and advance their scientific knowledge in water resources management;
  • encourage the exchange of ideas on best practice within water-related fields;
  • provide students with the opportunity to participate in presentations, conferences, seminars and forums on contemporary issues in water resources management;
  • provide the opportunity for students from organisations and countries currently facing major water issues to participate in programmes which they may not be able to fund; and
  • demonstrate a commitment to cultural change and diversity and the international sharing of knowledge and skills related to water resources management.

We recommend that you visit the Post-Graduate Programmes page of the website to find out more about the programme.

  • Semester 1 (July 2010) – Deadline 26th February 2010
  • Semester 2 (February 2011) – Deadline 27th August 2010

ICE WaRM offers two rounds of scholarships annually, in February and July. Applicants are able to begin applying for current or future rounds at any time. The current round (to commence in Semester 2 – July 2010 has a deadline of 26th February, 2010.
  • Complete the online registration form below to gain access to the relevant application forms.
    Once you press “submit” you will see a webpage with links to 3 documents:
    • Scholarship Guidelines
    • Scholarship Application Form
    • Scholarships Confidential Referee Report
  • Print and/or save these files. You will also receive an automatic email acknowledgement with a direct link to the application forms.
  • Complete the Scholarship Application Form and send to ICE WaRM with relevant documentation by the deadline.
  • ICE WaRM will acknowledge receipt of all applications and advise if any documents are outstanding.
  • Completion of the online registration form allows ICE WaRM to monitor interest in the scholarship programme and remind applicants of closing dates.
  • Any applications that are incomplete by the application deadline will not be eligible for consideration.
  • Hard copy documents (transcripts, parchments, passports/birth certificates) must be original or certified copies – uncertified photocopies will not be accepted.
ICE WaRM offers full and partial scholarships toward the cost of the programme (fee tuition). For international students the fully funded scholarship is AUD$30,000 and partially funded scholarship is AUD$15,000*.
For more information on other scholarships and stipends, you can visit the following weblinks:

*Please note:
 ICE WaRM scholarships do not include a living allowance. Tuition fees are subject to change by the universities on an annual basis.


For more information on ICE WaRM’s international scholarship programme or your application status, please contact:
ICE WaRM Education Services Coordinator
GPO Box 860
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: +61 8 8236 5200
Fax: +61 8 8236 5236
more info click here

[Netherlands] Master scholarship for Non-EU, Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic and Poland – University of Twente

Dutch University of Twente offers to students the following Master programme scholarship for Non-Eu/EEA and citizens of Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic and Poland.
Requirements for application

  • online application at the graduate site must be completed
  • all certified documents must be received
  • you are an excellent student
  • you must be admitted and nominated by the faculty you applied at
  • you must be a national of one of the countries mentioned above
  • you are a future leader (of industry)
  • you must be strongly committed to social society
Deadline for application
  • 5 November 2009
  • 8 January 2010
  • 12 March 2010
  • 8 April 2010
  • 12 May 2010

Maximum € 20,000
Short description
This scholarship is organized by the University of Twente and is meant for excellent students with limited resources from the above mentioned countries.

Application information

Candidates need to hand in the following:
  • a recommendation of the faculty
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a motivation letter written by candidate
  • grading report(s) of prior degree(s)
  • a financial overview by candidate
Postal address

University of Twente
International Office
Bastille, Room 320
PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
Campus location
Bastille, Building 48
Room 320
T: +31 (0)53 489 5424
F: +31 (0)53 489 3844
Website Exchange & Study Abroad :
Website International students:
How to apply read University of Twente
More about scholarships of Twente Uinversity

[Sweden] Graduate Scholarship – Linkopings University

LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET invites applications for position as GRADUATE STUDENT IN COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS formally based at Department of Electrical Engineering
The division of communications systems ( preforms research and education in the general area of digital and wireless communications. Current projects deal with the design and optimization of wireless networks, and digital signal processing for communications receivers. We work with applied problems as well as with more mathematical/fundamental questions.
The candidate should have a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering or equivalent and must have a very strong background in mathematics, and strong analytical skills. The candidate must have good knowledge of the English language.
Appointment time
The appointment is given for one year at a time, and will be renewed yearly to successfull performance of duties. The programme corresponds to four years of full-time studies. Normally, the studies are combined with 20% tutorial teaching, which gives a period of employment of five years. The total period of employment cannot exceed eight years.

The commencing salary for a graduate student is at present 24 000 SEK/month. The subsequent salary will be based on locally agreed salary increments.
Professor Erik Larsson, tel +46(0)13-281312, ( The union representative (SACO) Örjan Lönnevik, tel +46(0)13-286634, ( Trade union representative (OFR/S) Gabriel Thott, tel +46(0)11-363171 (
Application procedure
Your application marked with the Registration number LiU-2009-01065, accompanied by your Curriculum Vitae (please use the template and other documents you may wish to refer to, must reach the University Registrar no later than 2009-11-19 at the following address:
Linköpings Universitet
SE-581 83 Linköping

[Singapore] Asian Graduate Student Fellowships 2010 – NUS

Asian Graduate Student Fellowships 2010
The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from citizens of Asian countries enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at a university in an Asian country (except Singapore) for consideration for the award of Asian Graduate Student Fellowships. These fellowships are offered to current graduate students doing their Master’s or PhD degrees and working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Southeast Asian topics, and will allow the recipients to be based at NUS for an ‘in residence fellowship’ for a period of three months. The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence on 3 May 2010, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2010.
Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:

  • A monthly allowance of SGD1,000.
  • A monthly housing allowance of SGD250.
  • A settling-in allowance of SGD150.
  • A sum of $100 on a reimbursement basis for miscellaneous expenses
  • A one-time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the fellowship.
  • Access to library and computer resources on campus.
Applicants are invited to e-mail/facsimile/mail their application forms (CLICK HERE), a 2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language) to the address below by 15 November 2009. Arrangements should also be made by which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal supervisor, are sent confidentially to the same address by the same deadline.
The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:
  • Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has already been completed;
  • how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
  • the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
  • proposed work plan during the fellowship.

You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities at NUS’ main library (, the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) ( and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library ( to facilitate your research for the dissertation. NUS’ main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS’ library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.
Asia Research Institute
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
469A Tower Block #10-01
Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
E-mail :
Fax: 65 67791428

Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA)

Application deadline: December 10, 2009 for the 2010-11 academic year.
Target countries: Under current program guidelines, candidates must be a national of one of the following countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao P.D.R., Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Island Countries, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Work: Candidates should also currently work for one of the following or related agencies: central bank, ministry of economy, ministry of finance, ministry of planning/development, ministry of trade/commerce, tax administration, or national statistics bureau. The program will also consider officials working in other areas of government that have a significant impact on the formulation or implementation of macroeconomic policy.
Education background: Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent with at least 16 years of formal education. Names of schools and attending dates beginning from primary school must be listed in the application. In some cases, 15 years of formal education may be accepted if there is an official explanation (a country's particular educational system or other exceptional circumstances).
English proficiency: Applicants must have an English language proficiency, which needs to be demonstrated as equivalent to or more than an official TOEFL score of 550, CBT213, or iBT79-80. If TOEFL scores are not available, then an overall IELTS score of at least 6.0 can be substituted.
Application procedures
  1. Completed application form: The applicant for the partnership track is requested to apply through the online application system. (The on-line application will be made available by the mid-October, 2009.) The blank application form can be reviewed for reference only.
  2. Official transcripts and official copies of diplomas or degree certificates from all undergraduate and graduate schools: An official copy means a certified copy of the original document with an official seal obtained from the administration office of the university attended. Copies attested by organizations/persons not having notarized/legal bearing will not be accepted.
  3. Two reference letters: References should be from applicants' supervisor at work and/or an academic advisor or professor.
  4. TOEFL/IELTS certificate (if available): The TOEFL/IELTS test score must be from an examination taken after December 10, 2007. If a score is unavailable, the applicant will be requested to sit for a TOEFL/IELTS examination prior to receiving a final decision on the scholarship award.
All submitted application material must be presented in English or be accompanied by an official English translation. The material will be considered under the control of the IMF and provided to the relevant school(s) and the Government of Japan as it sees appropriate. None of the material will be returned to applicants.
Click here to read more information about the scholarship

[Japan] Tsukuba Scholarship for Undergraduate English Course Students

The University of Tsukuba invites applications from international students for the 2010 University of Tsukuba "Tsukuba Scholarship". The University of Tsukuba's "English Course Program", which will commence in the 2010 academic year, is newly established program through which international students studying at the University of Tsukuba at the undergraduate level can earn their academic degrees by taking classes only in English.

Application Qualifications and Conditions
Applicants for this scholarship must fulfill the following conditions:

Nationality: Applicants whose nationality is of a country other than Japan (limited to those countries with which Japan has diplomatic relations).
Applicants who fulfill the qualifications for entering the English Course Program in any of the following undergraduate schools:
(reference) Courses to be established in 2010
Undergraduate Program of International Social Studies, School of Social and International Studies
Interdisciplinary Course of Life and Environmental Sciences, School of Life and Environmental Sciences
Applicants who, upon entering the University of Tsukuba, do not receive nor expect to receive a scholarship or scholarships from any other scholarship-granting organizations or bodies for the purpose of studying abroad.
Duration of Scholarship
The duration of the scholarship will be from the first month of entering the university until the end of the applicable academic year (August 2010 to March 2011). From April 2011, students may apply for other scholarships from the University of Tsukuba or from other scholarship-granting organizations or bodies.

Scholarship Amount Details

Travel expenses: The scholarship will pay a uniform amount of 100,000 yen for travel expenses to Japan from abroad when entering the University of Tsukuba. However, this travel expense payment is limited to those recipients who will be newly coming to Japan from abroad for the purposes of entering the University of Tsukuba.
Monthly stipend: Scholarship recipients will receive one of the following monthly stipends based on their results in the entrance examination etc.
Class 1:100,000 yen per month
Class 2: 60,000 yen per month
Enrollment fee and first-year tuition exemptions: In addition to the above noted travel expenses and monthly stipend, scholarship recipients will receive exemptions from paying their enrollment fee (a one-time only fee of 282,000 yen) and their first-year tuition (from August 2010 to March 2011, 357,200 yen), for a total of 639,200 yen.
Application Period
Applicants for this scholarship should send by mail the "2010 University of Tsukuba 'Tsukuba Scholarship' Application Form" to the following address during the application period indicated in the application guidelines for the English Course Program. Please note that application documentation arriving later than the prescribed application period will not be accepted.

Address for submitting application documentation:
International Student Center
University of Tsukuba
Tennodai 1-1-1
Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken JAPAN

Inquiries Regarding the Tsukuba Scholarship for 2010
Inquiries may be directed to:
The Division of International Students
Department of Global Activities
University of Tsukuba
Tel: +81-29-853-6086
Fax: +81-29-853-6204

Click here to read more information about this scholarships

[France] Eiffel Scholarships 2010

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs launched the Eiffel excellence scholarship programme in January 1999 to support French centres of higher education in their international outreach initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed countries, to attract elite overseas students on master's, engineering and PhD courses.
  • Application forms put online: 10 September 2009
  • Deadline for reception of applications by Égide: 8 January 2010
  • Announcement of results: week of 22 March 2010
Application forms
  • Eiffel application forms – master's/engineering courses DOC or PDF
  • Eiffel application forms – PhD courses DOC or PDF
Égide - Programme Eiffel
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
Click here to read more information about this scholarship

CANADA; PhD Positions in EECS at Carleton University

Several openings are available for self-motivated PhD students in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Canada. The positions will start in either Spring or Fall 2010. The successful candidates are expected to research on advanced wireless networking systems.

1. A Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering is preferred
2. A good background in mathematics and networking/communications/
3. Good GPA in related fields
If you are interested in the position, please email your resume/CV to Prof. F. Richard Yu at Please also visit for further information.

ITALY; PhD positions at University of Parma

XXV Ciclo: I Dottorati di Ricerca 2010 – Gazzetta Ufficiale 4^ serie speciale n. 80 del 16 ottobre 2009
• Bando
• Fac-simile Domanda di ammissione al concorso
deadline: 6 novembre 2009

ITALY; Funded PhD Scholarship at University of Calabria

Administrative Location: University of Calabria – Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences (DEIS).

General Information:
* Number of available positions for non-Italian residents: n.2 positions (one of which carries a scholarship for
an amount determined according to current Italian legislation);
* Duration: 3 years.
* Areas of interest: Computer Science and Engineering, Automation and Control Systems, Telecommunications,
Electric and Electronic Measures, Electromagnetic Fields and Antennas, Electric Machines, Converters and
Actuators,  Numerical Analysis.
Applicants admitted to the PhD program will be assigned to one of the above areas, based on their
Curriculum Vitae and their Research project.
Admission procedure:

Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their Curriculum Vitae and Research Project and the other
submitted documentation, as requested below. Failing to follow the instructions below may imply
the candidate to be excluded from the evaluation process.
* Applicants are requested to properly fill-in the on-line application form available from here by November 19, 2009, 11:00 am GMT.
* Along with filling-in the application form, applicants are also requested to send by email to the following required material by November 19 2009, 11:00 am GMT:
o A photocopy of a personal ID
o Curriculum Vitae (which must be compliant to the template available from here)
o Research project (2 pages max)
o References (Recommendation letters) (2 max)
o Academic transcript stating courses taken and grades received
The evaluation results will be published on by December 18, 2009.
For further information on the PhD program, thematic areas, available grants and admission procedure,
applicants may contact the Director of the PhD program, Prof. Luigi
Palopoli – Dipartimento di Elettronica
Informatica e Sistemistica, Edificio 41C – piano 4 – Tel.: +39 (0)984
494749, e-mail:

NETHERLAND; PhD Position 2DQD Project

Job description
We offer a PhD position for 4 years in a European research project investigating the possibilities to use type-II quantum dots in a 2D electronic system for data storage. The task to be done in Eindhoven is first to characterize the structures grown in Lancaster concerning the geometry, position and chemical composition of the quantum dots. This will mainly be done using cross sectional scanning tunneling microscopy XSTM at room temperature. A next step will be to study the electronic properties of the quantum dots and its interaction with the surrounding heterostructure by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy, also in XSTM geometry. For this work our lab offers an STM operating at low temperature (down to 5K). These 2 parts of the project are rather straightforward, whereas the following tasks will be challenging and might require optimization of the experimental setup. In order to avoid the restriction to a cleaved quantum dot we want to detect scanning tunneling spectroscopy on capped quantum dots in an in-plane geometry. The challenge here will be to handle the capping in order to prepare a sufficiently clean surface and to still be able to address the electronic states of the quantum dots. An even more challenging last part of the project is to detect tip induced luminescence in order to independently map the electronic states of the quantum dots. This task has to cope with the detection of low numbers of photons since type-II quantum dots are needed in order to store data over sufficiently long periods of time.
Technically the PhD project is based on scanning probes, mainly STM and scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Since the STMs are operated in ultra high vacuum the candidate must have a strong attitude in experimental physics.
The European framework of the project will offer nice opportunities to interact with colleagues abroad, from e.g. the UK and from Germany.
We welcome applications from candidates with a Master degree and an excellent academic record in physics (condensed matter or optical physics). Candidates must prove a strong attitude towards experimental physics. Candidates with engineering or material science background will not be considered.
Conditions of employment
Contract type

4 years
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Department of Applied Physics
The Department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology has 15 professorial chairs with about 65 academic and 60 technical specialists, as well as 110 graduate and 375 undergraduate students. The leading research themes cover functional materials, transport physics, and plasma physics and radiation technology. The department has extensive national and international partnerships, including industrial partners. It participates in several national (top) research schools, and in two national top technology institutes: Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) and Materials Innovation Institute (M2i). Eindhoven University of Technology is one of the three participants in the Dutch 3TU Federation of Universities of Technology.
Additional information
Dr. J.K. Garleff


ITALY; PhD Positions at University of Turin

University of Turin, Italy
PhD competition
In this section you will find information about the requirements for admission to doctoral programmes, assessment, list of PhD schools and call for applicants research doctorates.

Research Doctorate – 25th cycle
The announcement for applications for the XXV cycle of Research Doctorates at the University of Torino has now been published (G.U. n. 81 dated 20/10/2009). The deadline for online applications is November 10th 2009 at Midday – Italian time.

The announcement, the online application form and other information are available at the section Dottorati e Post-dottorati or at the English section Call and deadlines for applications.

Copyright - 2009 Scholarship-position : PhD, Postdoctoral, Graduate College, Postgraduate, Master , Financial Aid, Fellowships, Undergraduate Scholarships