

Switzerland: PhD in Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologies

Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance is a revolutionary and promising technique with a proven potential in biomedicine and biochemistry. Based on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), a low-temperature technique used to increase the nuclear spin order for particle physics experiments in which the Paul Scherrer Institute is one of the world’s leading institutions, hyperpolarization leads to an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio on the order of 10’000 times. It allows for the detection of tiny amounts of biological substances in vivo and to follow the metabolic pathways of chosen molecules.

Two unique hyperpolarizers have been developed within the Swiss DNP Initiative regrouping several departments of the EPFL and the Paul Scherrer Institute. The Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM, provides access to two high-field animal MRI systems, one working at 9.4T and the other at 14.1T. One of the hyperpolarizers is currently coupled to the 9.4T scanner. For further information on our Initiative, see

The aim of the proposed project is to improve and further develop the Dynamic Nuclear Polarization technology for applications in biomedical imaging. The project will involve experimental work with world-class magnetic resonance instrumentation.

We are seeking for a candidate with a background in Physics or Chemistry who is interested in biological and biomedical applications. The candidate will have the opportunity to interact with researchers involved in Particle Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Biomedicine. The research will be performed at the CIBM.

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to: arnaud.comment[ at ]

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