The Geomatics Program at the University of Florida is seeking a PhD student to work on feature-based photogrammetry in which the classical point-based photogrammetry is replaced by higher order geometric primitives such as lines and splines. Although the use of features was introduced to the photogrammetric community more than two decades ago, most of the existing algorithms such as relative orientation and triangulation are based on the use of point measurement. This PhD work will concentrate on developing robust algorithms for feature-based photogrammetry that will be applied to solve practical problems such as 3D building reconstruction. The position will be funded by University of Florida/Geomatics. The start date for this position is August-2009. In this position the tuition will be waived, the health insurance will be paid by the University, and this is in addition to an annual salary of $16,000 ($1333/month).
Required knowledge and skills
Suitable applicants should have a master’s degree or equivalent in Geomatics (particularly photogrammetry) or other related analytical discipline.
Experience in computer programming (C#, MATLAB), image processing and analytical techniques for data analysis such least-squares error modeling. Algorithms and software development will be central to the success of the research.
The applicant should have strong problem-solving and communication skills, including excellent English.
The PhD student will enter an approved program leading to the degree of PhD within a time frame of 3-4 years. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD program are met before appointment can be made.
For more information please contact Dr. Gamal Seedahmed (, 01-954-577-6305.
The electronic application must contain: a cover letter, CV, scanned copies of transcripts, publications and other relevant work, as well as 3-4 references. The application should be marked “Geomatics/Photogrammetry” and sent to Dr. Seedahmed by email before June 30, 2009.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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