We are excited to offer 13 PhD studentships as part of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network, funded by the European Union. Please note the following job announcement and forward it to interested parties especially Masters and final year BSc students.
Many thanks and best regards
Jan Kaiser on behalf of the INTRAMIF network
INitial TRAining network on Mass Independent Fractionation (INTRAMIF):
13 three-year PhD studentships in atmospheric and climate research, hydrology, oceanography and molecular physics
As part of the EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network “INTRAMIF”, we seek to appoint 13 talented early stage researchers for the following positions at institutions in Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The projects revolve around using anomalies in the distribution of stable oxygen isotopes (so-called “mass independent fractionation” , short “MIF”) to address scientific problems in various disciplines of earth system science. The team of INTRAMIF supervisors comprises experts from atmospheric and climate research, hydrology, oceanography and molecular physics. Sharing their expertise and world-class facilities will allow the individual researchers to do interdisciplinary work in the European research environment. The broad scientific program combines specialized training at the host institutions with a unique interdisciplinary and intra-sector network training program on the climate system in close interaction with
non-academic partner institutions from the industrial, political and economic sectors.
Successful applicants will be paid a salary for three years to cover their living expenses. In addition to conducting their research projects, they will attend associated training modules that include summer schools, skills courses, scientific meetings etc.
Detailed information about the available projects and information how to apply can be found at http://www.phys. uu.nl/~intramif
Applications must be received by 1 July 2009.
• The early stage researchers will be registered for a PhD at their host institution.
• The earliest start date is 1 September 2009.
• In accordance with Marie Curie mobility regulations, we are able to offer these posts to researchers who, at the time of appointment, are within the first four years (or full-time equivalent) of their research careers, i.e. within four years of obtaining their first degree that qualifies them to embark on a doctorate.
• Applicants are not eligible for positions in their country of citizenship or their country of residence.
• Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English Language (e. g. with a TOEFL score of at least 230).
• Efforts will be made to increase participation of women researchers.
• Use the contacts given on the website if you require further information.
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Dr Jan Kaiser
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (1603) 59-3393
Fax +44 (1603) 59-1327
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