

PhD position in Systematics and Evolution (ancient DNA) at the Department of Zoology, Stockholm University

STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY announces a PhD position in Systematics and Evolution (ancient DNA) at the Department of Zoology, Stockholm University (placed at the Molecular Systematics Laboratory, the Swedish Museum of Natural History).

Project title: Genetic consequences of environmental change on the evolution and demography of arctic species.

Final date for applications: May 4, 2009

Project description:
The overall objective of this PhD project is to investigate the impact of environmental change on the evolution and demography in arctic species. This will be done through genetic analyses on both modern samples and on DNA retrieved from fossils up to 50 000 years old. The resulting genetic data will be integrated with information on past distributions and climates, as well as back-casted species distribution models. Specific questions that will be examined in the project include i) the timing of extinctions and demographic change in relation to past climate fluctuations, ii) when and where populations diverged and species evolved, and iii) to what extent local populations tracked changes in habitat availability when faced with climate change. Potential model species include lemmings, arctic foxes, reindeer and ptarmigan. The long-term aim of the project is to provide increased knowledge on how habitat change drives the speciation and extinction processes and, on a more practical level, to increase the accuracy of models used to forecast the impact of future climate change on biodiversity.
The project will be done within the ancient DNA research group at the Molecular Systematics Laboratory (MSL) in the Swedish Museum of Natural History. A part of the research carried out by the PhD student will be done within the cross-disciplinary research network CLIMIGRATE, funded by the European Union’s FP7 ERA-NET program BiodivERsA. The PhD degree will be
awarded in Systematics and Evolution at the Department of Zoology. Dr. Love Dalén at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (MSL) will be the main supervisor. Prof. Anders Angerbjörn at the Department of Zoology will be co-supervisor.

To be qualified for research studies in systematics and evolution the applicant must have completed a research degree (e.g. Master’s), or have passed in at least 120 hp (2 years) of biological studies, including an approved independent project in systematics and evolution of at least 30 hp at advanced level (”examensarbete”). Applicants who have in principle
acquired the corresponding competence in Sweden or abroad, are also qualified. That is, applicants who have a Master’s degree (”examensarbete”) in an equivalent subject that is considered appropriate for this project are also encouraged to apply.

Criteria for selection:
Among qualified applicants, selection is made according to the ability to profit from the studies. The criteria to be used are the applicant’s documented knowledge in subjects of relevance for the research area, ability to master language (including both spoken and written English), analytical
ability, creativity, initiative, independence and ability to cooperate. The basis for judgement of how well the applicant fulfils these criteria is: the relevance of earlier studies for the research area, grades on courses at the university level, the quality of the independent project (master thesis or “examensarbete”), references, interviews and the applicant’s letter of intent.
Previous experience in practical genetic analyses is highly desirable, and knowledge in ecology, population genetics, past climates and environments, and ecological modelling are considered as additional qualifications.

To be included in the application:
Maximum one A4-page of personal presentation and your reasons for applying (letter of intent). Curriculum vitae. Copy of independent project report (master thesis or “examensarbete”). Copy of degree certificates and transcripts of academic records (all attested). Also provide a list of two
persons who may act as references (with phone numbers and e-mail addresses). Provide two copies of all documents and the thesis. To be considered, the application labelled “PhD 03/09 LD” must have arrived at the address below by May 4, 2009.

Address to which the application should be sent:
Stockholms universitet
Zoologiska institutionen
106 91 Stockholm

Terms of employment:
The research education comprises 48 months at full time. The position is financed by a fellowship (”utbildningsbidrag”) for the first years, and then continues with PhD-employment until the end of the PhD-program.. Up to 20% of teaching may be included in the position. (If teaching is included, the position will be extended).

Union representatives:
Bo Ekengren SACO, Lisbeth Häggberg ST, and Gunnar Stenberg SEKO.

Phone: + 46 (0)8 16 20 00. PhD student representative e-mail:

For further information about the project, contact:
Assistant professor Love Dalén + 46 (0)8 519 542 81, e-mail:

Further information on the web:
Stockholm University:
The Department of Zoology:
A link to the announcement is available here:

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